Tuesday 25 July 2023

External wall aerocon partition

 I recently used Aerocon external wall panels for a construction project, and I must say, I am impressed with their performance and overall quality. These panels have proven to be an excellent choice for exterior wall applications, and I'd like to share my experience and thoughts on the product.

1. Durability and Weather Resistance: The first thing that caught my attention was the durability of the Aerocon panels. Being exposed to varying weather conditions, it was crucial to select a material that could withstand the elements. I found the panels to be highly weather-resistant, capable of withstanding rain, UV rays, and temperature fluctuations without showing signs of deterioration. This property ensures that the external walls will remain intact and retain their aesthetics for an extended period.

2. Lightweight and Easy to Handle: A major advantage of these panels is their lightweight nature. Transporting and handling them on the construction site was a breeze, significantly reducing labor and time required for installation. Despite their lightness, the panels felt robust and sturdy once properly installed.

3. Versatility in Design: The Aerocon external wall panels offered a great deal of flexibility in design. The smooth surface and consistent finish allowed for various exterior finishes, including paint, cladding, or texture coats. I appreciated the ability to customize the appearance according to the architectural style of the building, and the panels seamlessly integrated with other construction materials.

4. Energy Efficiency: During the construction process, I noticed that the Aerocon panels contributed to improved energy efficiency. The panels have excellent thermal insulation properties, which should help in maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature and potentially lead to reduced energy consumption for heating and cooling purposes.

5. Sound Absorption: While my primary focus was on the external application, I found that the Aerocon panels also provided reasonable sound absorption properties. This is beneficial, especially in urban settings, where exterior noise reduction is desired.

6. Installation Process: The installation process of the Aerocon panels was straightforward, thanks to their interlocking design. The panels fit snugly together, resulting in a smooth and uniform finish. This aspect not only saved time but also minimized the need for excessive labor and skilled workers.

7. Environmental Considerations: As someone who values eco-friendly building materials, I was pleased to learn that Aerocon panels incorporate fly ash, a byproduct of coal power plants, in their composition. This recycling aspect adds to the product's appeal, and using these panels aligns with sustainable construction practices.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Aerocon external wall panels have exceeded my expectations as a reliable and efficient construction material. Their durability, weather resistance, ease of handling, and eco-friendliness make them a top choice for exterior wall applications. The thermal and sound insulation properties add further value to the product, making it suitable for a wide range of building projects.

Aerocon panel partition internal wall

 Internal room walls using aerocon panel 75mm thick